Brush up your Python Concepts

Let's review some key Python concepts. This overview should help refresh your understanding and prepare you for your interview.

1. Data Types

  • Basic Types: Know about integers, floats, strings, and booleans.

  • Data Structures: Understand lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, including how to create, access, and manipulate them.

  • None: Represents the absence of a value or a null value.

2. Control Structures

  • If-Else Statements: Basic conditional logic.

  • Loops: Understand for and while loops. Know how to iterate over data structures and use break, continue, and else clauses within loops.

  • Try-Except: Exception handling with try, except, else, and finally blocks.

3. Functions

  • Defining Functions: Syntax, arguments, return values.

  • Arguments: Positional, keyword, arbitrary arguments (*args), and arbitrary keyword arguments (**kwargs).

  • Scope: Local, nonlocal, and global scopes.

  • Lambda Functions: Anonymous functions using the lambda keyword.

4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes and Objects: Define classes, create objects, instance methods.

  • Inheritance: Understand how to inherit from a base class and override methods.

  • Encapsulation: Use of public, private, and protected members.

  • Polymorphism: Concept of interface and different ways to implement it.

5. Pythonic Concepts

  • List Comprehensions: Concise way to create lists. [expression for item in iterable].

  • Generator Expressions: Similar to list comprehensions but for creating generators. (expression for item in iterable).

  • Decorators: Functions that modify the behavior of other functions or methods.

  • Context Managers: with statement for managing resources, like file operations.

6. Miscellaneous

  • String Formatting: Understand .format() and f-strings (formatted string literals).

  • File I/O: Reading from and writing to files.

  • Modules and Packages: Importing and using modules, creating packages.

  • Iterators and Iterables: Understand the concept of iterators and the use of iter() and next() functions.

Practice Tip

For each of these concepts, try writing small snippets of code to solidify your understanding. For example, create a class with inheritance, write a list comprehension, handle an exception, etc.

Let's delve into each of these Python data types and data structures:

Basic Types

  1. Integers (int): Whole numbers without a fractional part. For example, 5, -3, 42.

  2. Floats (float): Numbers with a decimal point. For example, 3.14, -0.001, 2.0.

  3. Strings (str): A sequence of Unicode characters, used for text. For example, "Hello", 'Python', "123".

  4. Booleans (bool): Represents truth values. Only two possible values: True and False.

Data Structures

  1. Lists: Ordered, mutable (changeable) collections of items. Elements can be of different types.

    • Creation: my_list = [1, 2, 3] or my_list = list()

    • Accessing: Use indices, my_list[0] (first element), -1 for the last element.

    • Manipulation: Add with append(), remove with remove(), pop(), etc.

  2. Tuples: Ordered, immutable collections. Similar to lists but cannot be changed after creation.

    • Creation: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3) or my_tuple = tuple()

    • Accessing: Same as lists, but you cannot change elements.

  3. Sets: Unordered collections of unique elements. Mutable, but elements must be immutable.

    • Creation: my_set = {1, 2, 3} or my_set = set()

    • Manipulation: Add with add(), remove with discard(), remove(). Supports set operations like union, intersection.

  4. Dictionaries: Key-value pairs, unordered, mutable. Keys must be unique and immutable.

    • Creation: my_dict = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} or my_dict = dict()

    • Accessing: Use keys, my_dict['key1'].

    • Manipulation: Add/update with my_dict['new_key'] = 'new_value', remove with del my_dict['key1'].


  • Represents the absence of a value or a null value.

  • Often used to signify 'empty' or 'default' in functions and conditions.

Example Usage

Here's a quick example demonstrating the use of these types and structures:

# Basic Types
num = 10           # int
pi = 3.14          # float
greeting = "Hello" # str
is_valid = True    # bool

# Data Structures
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 'Python', pi]     # list
my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 'immutable')     # tuple
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 'unique'}          # set
my_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30} # dictionary

# Access and manipulate
my_list.append(4)                     # Add to list
my_dict['age'] = 31                   # Update dictionary
print(my_set.pop())                   # Remove and return an element from set

# None type
no_value = None

This example covers the creation, manipulation, and basic usage of these data types and structures.

Great, let's explore these data types and structures with more complex examples:


Lists are versatile and can be used in numerous ways:

Nested Lists

You can create a list within another list, which is often used for matrices or complex data structures.

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
print(matrix[1][1])  # Accessing the second element of the second list (5)

List Comprehensions

List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. Common applications include making new lists where each element is the result of some operation applied to each member of another sequence or iterable.

squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
print(squares)  # [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]


Dictionaries are incredibly flexible and can represent complex relationships between data.

Nested Dictionaries

You can nest dictionaries within dictionaries, which is useful for hierarchical data structures.

family = {
    'John': {'age': 30, 'gender': 'Male'},
    'Jane': {'age': 28, 'gender': 'Female'}
print(family['John']['age'])  # Accessing John's age (30)

Dictionary Comprehensions

Similar to list comprehensions, these allow for quick creation and manipulation of dictionaries.

squares_dict = {x: x**2 for x in range(5)}
print(squares_dict)  # {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16}


Sets are useful for operations involving unique elements and set theory.

Set Operations

You can perform mathematical set operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.

a = {1, 2, 3, 4}
b = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Union
print(a | b)  # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

# Intersection
print(a & b)  # {3, 4}


Tuples are often used for data that should not change throughout the program.

Returning Multiple Values

A common use case is to return multiple values from a function using a tuple.

def get_user():
    name = "Alice"
    age = 25
    return name, age  # Returning a tuple

user_name, user_age = get_user()
print(user_name, user_age)  # Alice 25


None is often used as a placeholder for optional or default values.

Default Arguments in Functions

Using None as a default value for function arguments.

def greet(name=None):
    if name is None:
        return "Hello, Guest"
        return f"Hello, {name}"

print(greet())         # "Hello, Guest"
print(greet("Alice"))  # "Hello, Alice"

These examples showcase more advanced applications of Python's data types and structures!

Sure, let's explore each of these control structures in Python with detailed examples.

1. If-Else Statements

The if-else statement is used for decision-making in Python. It runs a block of code if a specified condition is true.


age = 20
if age >= 18:

This code checks if the age variable is 18 or more. If true, it prints "Adult"; otherwise, it prints "Minor".

2. Loops

Loops are used for iterating over a sequence (like a list, tuple, dictionary, set, or string).

For Loop

The for loop is used to iterate over elements of a sequence.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:

This code will print each fruit in the fruits list.

While Loop

The while loop executes a set of statements as long as a condition is true.

count = 0
while count < 5:
    count += 1

This loop will print numbers from 0 to 4.

Using break and continue

  • break: Used to exit the loop.

  • continue: Skips the current iteration and continues with the next.

for num in range(10):
    if num == 5:
        break  # Stop loop if num is 5
    if num % 2 == 0:
        continue  # Skip even numbers

This code will print odd numbers until it reaches 5, then stops.

The else Clause in Loops

The else block will be executed if the loop completes normally (without hitting a break statement).

for i in range(3):
    print("Loop finished.")

This will print numbers 0 to 2 and then "Loop finished."

3. Try-Except

try-except blocks are used for handling exceptions (errors) in a Python program.

Basic Try-Except

    print(1 / 0)
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Cannot divide by zero.")

This code will catch the ZeroDivisionError and print a message instead of crashing.

Multiple Exception Blocks

You can have multiple except blocks to handle different exceptions.

    # some code
except IndexError:
    # handle IndexError exception
except ValueError:
    # handle ValueError exception

Else and Finally

  • else: Runs if no exception occurs in the try block.

  • finally: Executes regardless of whether an exception occurs.

    print("Something went wrong")
    print("Nothing went wrong")
    print("The 'try except' is finished")

This sequence of blocks demonstrates the use of try, except, else, and finally.

These examples should give you a good understanding of Python's control structures.

Let's delve into each aspect of Python functions:

Defining Functions

A function in Python is defined using the def keyword. Functions can accept arguments and return values.

Basic Syntax:

def function_name(parameters):
    # function body
    return result


def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 8

2. Arguments

Python functions can have various types of arguments:

  • Positional Arguments: These arguments need to be in the correct positional order.

      def greet(first_name, last_name):
          return f"Hello {first_name} {last_name}"
      print(greet("John", "Doe"))
  • Keyword Arguments: Identified by their name.

      print(greet(last_name="Doe", first_name="John"))
  • Default Arguments: Provide default values.

      def greet(name="World"):
          return f"Hello, {name}"
      print(greet())  # Output: Hello, World
      print(greet("Alice"))  # Output: Hello, Alice
  • Arbitrary Arguments (*args): For an unspecified number of positional arguments.

      def sum_numbers(*args):
          return sum(args)
      print(sum_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4))  # Output: 10
  • Arbitrary Keyword Arguments (**kwargs): For an unspecified number of keyword arguments.

      def person_info(**kwargs):
          for key, value in kwargs.items():
              print(f"{key}: {value}")
      person_info(name="Alice", age=30, city="New York")

3. Scope

The scope of a variable determines where it can be accessed:

  • Local Scope: Variables defined within a function are local to that function.

  • Global Scope: Variables defined outside of any function are global.

  • Nonlocal: Used in nested functions to refer to variables in the outer function (but not global).


def outer_function():
    x = "local to outer"

    def inner_function():
        nonlocal x
        x = "nonlocal"
        print("Inner:", x)

    print("Outer:", x)


4. Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are small anonymous functions. They can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression.


lambda arguments: expression


multiply = lambda x, y: x * y
print(multiply(5, 6))  # Output: 30

Lambda functions are useful for short, simple functions, often used with functions like map(), filter(), and sorted().

Absolutely, lambda functions are particularly useful when used in conjunction with functions like map(), filter(), and sorted(). These functions take a function as an argument, and lambda functions provide a concise way to define that function inline. Let's go through some examples to illustrate this:

1. Using lambda with map()

The map() function applies a given function to each item of an iterable (like a list) and returns a map object (which is an iterator).


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared = map(lambda x: x**2, numbers)
print(list(squared))  # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

In this example, the lambda function is used to square each number in the numbers list.

2. Using lambda with filter()

The filter() function creates an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true.


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
even_numbers = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers)
print(list(even_numbers))  # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Here, the lambda function filters out only the even numbers from the numbers list.

3. Using lambda with sorted()

The sorted() function sorts the items of an iterable. You can use a lambda function to specify a sorting key.


points = [(1, 2), (3, 1), (5, 0)]
sorted_points = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[1])
print(sorted_points)  # Output: [(5, 0), (3, 1), (1, 2)]

This code sorts a list of tuples based on the second element in each tuple.

Benefits of Lambda Functions

  • Conciseness: Lambda functions provide a shorter syntax compared to regular functions.

  • No Need for Function Names: Ideal for small, throwaway functions that won’t be reused.

However, it's important to note that for complex functions, regular function definitions might be preferable due to better readability.

These examples should give you a good sense of how lambda functions can be utilized effectively in Python. If you have more questions or need further examples, feel free to ask!

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a fundamental concept in Python, as in many other programming languages. Let's break down the key OOP concepts you mentioned:

1. Classes and Objects

  • Classes: The blueprint for creating objects (a particular data structure).

  • Objects: An instance of a class.


class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def bark(self):
        return f"{} says Woof!"

# Creating an object of the Dog class
my_dog = Dog("Buddy")
print(my_dog.bark())  # Buddy says Woof!

2. Inheritance

Inheritance allows new classes to inherit properties and methods from existing classes.


class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def speak(self):

class Cat(Animal):
    def speak(self):
        return f"{} says Meow"

# Using Inheritance
my_cat = Cat("Whiskers")
print(my_cat.speak())  # Whiskers says Meow

In this example, Cat inherits from Animal, and speak() is overridden in Cat.

3. Encapsulation

Encapsulation is the bundling of data and methods that operate on that data within one unit (class). It restricts direct access to some of the object’s components, which is a way of preventing accidental interference and misuse of the methods and data.


class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, initial_balance=0):
        self.__balance = initial_balance  # Private attribute

    def deposit(self, amount):
        if amount > 0:
            self.__balance += amount
            return "Deposit successful"
        return "Invalid deposit amount"

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if 0 < amount <= self.__balance:
            self.__balance -= amount
            return "Withdrawal successful"
        return "Invalid withdrawal amount or insufficient funds"

    def get_balance(self):
        return f"Current balance: {self.__balance}"

# Using the BankAccount class
account = BankAccount(100)
print(account.deposit(50))  # Deposit successful
print(account.withdraw(20))  # Withdrawal successful
print(account.get_balance())  # Current balance: 130

The __balance attribute is private and only accessible within the class.

4. Polymorphism

Polymorphism in OOP refers to the ability of different classes to be treated as instances of the same class through inheritance. It allows functions to use objects of different classes through the same interface.


class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def speak(self):

class Dog(Animal):
    def speak(self):
        return f"{} says Woof!"

class Cat(Animal):
    def speak(self):
        return f"{} says Meow"

def animal_sound(animal):

# The same function animal_sound can be used for any animal
animal_sound(my_dog)  # Buddy says Woof!
animal_sound(my_cat)  # Whiskers says Meow

In this example, despite my_dog and my_cat being instances of different classes, they both can be used by the animal_sound function because they share the same interface (speak method).

These examples cover the basic principles of OOP in Python. Each of these concepts is fundamental to writing efficient and well-organized Python code, especially in larger applications.